I chose this film Koryunghwa Family which means ‘getting old’
family. This movie is so brand new that was released last Thursday, and I
watched it on an opening day with my boyfriend.
This film is about one family which consists of 5 family members-an old mother, the eldest brother Han-mo, the second brother In-mo, the youngest sister Mi-yeon, and a daughter of Mi-yeon Min-kyung. This family is so called a broken[disrupted] family. Everybody think this family is a total mess; because Han-mo is an ex-convict, In-mo is a failed movie director, and Mi-yeon divorced twice. One impressive thing is that their mother always prepares delicious meals with meat dishes for her kids, and this makes us feel mother’s love. Anyway, members of this family have their own problems. In-mo seems that he has no meaning of his life, so he tries to kill himself. After he failed to commit suicide, he lives in his mother’s home where Han-mo also lives together. Han-mo seems good for nothing because he is an ex-con. He used to a gangster, but he is actually a kind and generous person and wants to live a new life. Mi-yeon, after her second divorce, she comes in her mother’s house with her daughter, Min-kyung. This brother and sister threesome seems to treat so badly each other, but actually they love each other. In addition, the most important character is their mother. She is so caring, generous, and loving her children. Even if the whole situation is disastrous and desperate, she is always optimistic and thinks that everything is going to be all right. Maybe with her positive attitude, all things are going well eventually.
This movie made me think the meaning of family. Even though there are some problems or conflicts in the family, all things are going to be all right, because it is a family. Family is love itself and we all have to cherish it.
This sounds like a fairly unique kind of Korean movie. What happened to the father? Did he pass away?
답글삭제I keep an eye out for this new movie next time I go to the theater.